Men’s Ministry February Update

Michael Acres   -  

Hello men!

I wanted to talk about the next book we will be reading. We are going to be walking through the book Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas. Our hope is that at whatever stage of your life you are in you can walk through this book and be challenged. Our marriages were designed to represent the picture of Christ and the church to the world, and this book challenges us to that.

I hope you will get the book, read it, and prepare to discuss with other men at one of the three meeting options the week of March 18. We will send more information out on that later.

If you would like to by the book at the church, you can come by the office, or purchase one on Sunday Morning for $10. This is the cheapest option because of the deal we got on the books. If we sell out, we will order some more.

🔗 If you would like to buy on Amazon, click HERE. 

I hope you will join us in reading, and also join other men walking through this. You, like myself, desperately need community.


Michael Acres
Equipping Pastor