Men’s Ministry Intro

Michael Acres   -  

Hello men!

I’m so glad you have shown interest in being part of a group of men committed to growth as Christ Followers at Rock Hill. We desire for more men to be better followers of Jesus, which then translates to men being better husbands, fathers, employees, friends, etc. Our hope is to challenge you monthly with different things to read, watch, work on, and then discuss with others on the same journey. This will look different than what we have been doing, but we think it will be more impactful.

Our men’s ministry approach will look like a few different things:

First, each month, we will assign something to read or do, and then will have a set week of that month to discuss it. We will have multiple days and times for the discussion to take place in hopes of having a way you can make the discussion. Before each discussion, you will need to complete the reading or assignments. If you miss a month, just pick up the next month and continue on with us.

We hope through each of these meetings, you will be able to find other men you can go deeper with. We will encourage men to meet in smaller groups in between the main monthly meetings, and hope this is a way we can promote deeper community.

Lastly, we are hoping to plan 4-5 events throughout the year for men to connect, be encouraged, and find deeper community with like-minded men who are pursuing deeper relationships with God.

As men, we can tend to lean toward independence and isolation. This is the result of our broken nature, but we are so much better together. It’s our prayer that you can find other men to walk with on this journey who will pray for you, encourage you, and challenge you as you strive to become more like the man God has called you to be.

Because of the busyness of the Holiday season, we will be meeting for the first time to discuss in January. You will need to get the book, “Absolute Surrender” by Andrew Murray. You can pick up a copy at the church office for $10, or you can order it from the links below.

🔗 Find a FREE PDF Version HEREOr buy it on Amazon HERE!

I hope you will join us, and I look forward to getting together soon!

Michael Acres
Equipping Pastor