VBS Day 3 – Volunteer Update!

Aron Adalian   -  

Hello Rock Hill VBS Volunteers!!

Last night was amazing!  Thank you so much for all of your help addressing some of the issues we ran into on Day 1!  Let’s stay diligent tonight! Tonight, we dive into the story of the Fiery Furnace.  The king is faced with the question of who is the fourth man in the fire. We all are faced with the question of what to do with Jesus. Tonight is a great night to ask your groups who they think Jesus is. Below I have provided some questions that may arise and some answers that I hope will help you answer these questions.

Who is Jesus?

Jesus is the son of God who came to earth to pay the wages (the payment) for our sins, which is death.

What is Sin?

Romans 6:23 tells us that sin has a payment that comes with it, and that payment is death and eternal separation from God. Sin makes us wrong with God or unrighteous.

Who has Sin and what does sin do?

Sin is anything that we do that is our way instead of God’s way. Romans 3:23 tells us that we all have this payment on all of our lives and we are all separated (sin separates) from God glory because of our sin.  We can’t pay this payment on our own, we have a need for a rescuer or a deliverer.

What do we need to do to be rescued from our sins?

In Romans 10:9 we read that “…if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” If we believe Jesus is who He said He is in the Bible and did what He said He would do, we can ask Jesus to be our Lord (master of our life) and savior (our rescuer from sin).  In 1st John 1:9 we read that, “If we confess our sins, He (Jesus) is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  This tells us that Jesus is the only one that can be our rescuer, and to do that we ask Him for forgiveness, turning away from choosing our own way, to choosing God’s way.  If we ask Him for forgiveness we read in 1 John that he does what He says and forgives us and fixes us from our wrongness with God, our unrighteousness.

What does Jesus making us right with God mean? 

2 Cornthians 5:18 says that “All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation:” This means that Jesus makes us right with God.  If we believe that Jesus is our master and have asked Him for forgiveness, Jesus has made us right with God through His righteousness, His rightness.  John 3:16 tells us that because of His great love, that if we believe in Jesus we will no longer be separated forever from God, but we would receive eternal life. Hebrews 9:15 says that, “Therefore he is the mediator of a new covenant, so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance, since a death has occurred that redeems them from the transgressions committed under the first covenant.” We receive and eternal inheritance (we get to live forever with God) that is given to us through Jesus.  We don’t deserve it, didn’t do anything for it, but we receive it because of His mercy (not getting what we deserve)  and His grace (getting something we don’t deserve).

**We had 257 kids participate in VBS with 157 (46 Preteen and Student Volunteers), giving us a total of 414 people on campus! **

Thank you so much for partnering with our church to share the love of Christ with families from our community!

Aron Adalian
NextGen Pastor
Rock Hill Baptist Church